Global Wind day

Global Wind day

ગ્લોબલ વિન્ડ ડે અથવા વિશ્વ પવન દિવસ એ વિશ્વવ્યાપી પ્રસંગ છે જે 15 જૂન વિશ્વભરમાં યોજાય છે. તેનું આયોજન વિન્ડયુરોપ અને જીડબ્લ્યુઇઇસી દ્વારા કરવામાં આવ્યું છે.
Global Wind Day is celebrated on June 15 every year. It’s an international event to raise awareness regarding the importance of wind energy and the power it holds to change the world, improve energy systems, and decarbonize economies. Investing in wind energy means spending less money on fossil fuel imports, resulting in a smaller carbon footprint and minimized CO2 for cleaner air on our planet. On this day, we learn not just about how wind power leads to a greener planet, but also about job creation and employment opportunities for many people.


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